Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

The Haven-LaFayette

Donativo protegido
Hello, and welcome to The Haven - Lafayette’s gofundme page!  For those who don’t know what we are, we’re a community outreach ministry who’s focus is on helping others in what ever means we can!  We do our best to the meet the needs of each person that comes through our doors, and if for some reason we can’t, we try our best to refer them to the people who can. 

Here are some, but not all, of the services we provide.  

 • Job searches
 • Obtaining picture ID’s and other needed documents to help someone move forward 
• Community outreach projects: Winterizing homes, cleaning out gutters, helping to build handicapped ramps, a community garden and so much more
 • We provide hygiene items, socks, food and other basic needs to those that are in need
 • We offer addiction support, doing our best to provide a family to help others through their sobriety 
 • We work on goal planning, and help with what we can so the individual can reach there goals
 • We try to help people find rehabs and shelters to those in need of one. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg!  However, we are a ministry that functions solely on donations.  This means we can only provide according to our funds.  And Id like to assure you that 100% of the monetary donations we receive go directly to our ministry!  We have no paid staff. 

As a a faith based ministry, we are here to follow God.  To get out in the field where it’s needed most.  While we are faith based, we don’t turn anyone away that isn’t.  We don’t “Force our beliefs” on them.  We just love them, the way Christ loves us.  And through that love, we do our best to lift them and walk beside them.  

We we are a hand up, not a hand out.


  • Kendra Ogdon
    • $100
    • 5 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Fundraising team (2)

Tanya Gilreath Nave
Chickamauga, GA
Sallie Lesperance
Team member

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