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Run, Lady, Run!

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Meet Lady.  She is my English Springer Spaniel of 3-years; born July 4th, 2015.  She and I lead a very active lifestyle.  It was on one of our adventures that she ruptured her ACL.

It is a common, but costly injury.  I'm looking at $4,000 in medical expenses to cover the cost of her knee surgery (TPLO - Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy), as well as anti-pain medication and post-operative x-rays.

She's a good sport - in more ways than one.  Some of her favourite activities include: Swimming, retrieving (balls & sticks, esp. in water), playing soccer, running alongside my bike, hiking the ravine and adjoining trails (esp. Beltline, Evergreen Brickworks and Don River).

Up until the surgery on September 14th and for the next 4-months after, Lady is taking tv show recommendations, belly rubs and well wishes...

Thank you for "pawsing" on our page and throwing us a bone.


Mary & Lady



  • Judy Wilson
    • $25
    • 6 yrs


Mary Wilson
Toronto, ON

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