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Ronnie deserves a fighting chance

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Ronnie Rags has always been the kind of guy who is there to lend a helping hand no matter what. He is the best friend a person could ever ask for, the first person to show up when someone has an issue and the last to leave. Always willing to offer his knowledge and talent related to heating, air conditioning and any other tasks needed. Ronnie always enjoyed cooking at parties and was never shy from partaking in the festivities.
As many of you know Ronnie has been battling cancer. He has gone the conventional treatment route which is barely holding the cancer in check with many side effects. He has started alternative treatments with promise of a better outcome. These treatments are expensive and not covered by insurance. We would love to help Ronnie continue with them and appreciate any help we can get.
We started this campaign because of the great friend Ronnie has been to Tom & I and our family so as soon as  our goal is reached, we will be happy to deliver a check to him.


  • Sarah Murdock
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Lynn Murdock
Warrenville, CT

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