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Save Our Teachers!

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I learned last night that my son Ryan's school (Lamping Elementary) is facing a budget shortfall whereby 3 teaching positions will be eliminated. This is unbelievable to me. Students in those classes will be "redistributed" to other classrooms, resulting in a higher student to teacher ratio.

The school's PTA is raising funds on behalf of the school through various ways, but I believe so strongly in education that I wanted to expand the outreach to people I know. 

If not for education, and the wonderful, dedicated, and caring teachers that enlighten the children in our schools, we would be in a much darker place.  I owe so much to the many teachers that helped me learn and grow, and now I have a 10-year old son who is gaining the same.

If you care to contribute, that would be wonderful. If you choose not to or can't for other reasons, I understand. Any funds are needed by the school in early October, so I'm asking that any donations be made prior to the end of September.  All of the money raised will be given directly to the school.

I realize many of you have helped with various fundraising activities in the past, and I appreciate that greatly. You also know that you can "hit me up" as well and I will help when needed for other causes.

The school needs far more than the goal I've set for this campaign, but I think it will all add up in the end.

Thanks so much.  

Cliff & Ryan Calhoun


  • Jeff Santoro
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Cliff Calhoun
Henderson, NV

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