Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Restoring Health

Spende geschützt
Chief Wayne Brown, Principal Chief of the Meherrin Nation , Ahoskie NC, was involved in a major car accident in May 2016. He sustained injuries that have left him unable to mobilize affecting his ability to breathe on his own without the assistance of a ventilator. His condition has required extensive treatment around the clock.
His insurance has been denying other medical treatment such as physical, speech, and occupational therapies due to his long term illness. These therapies are very important in helping him to recover in sustaining a better quality of life. Chief Brown continues to be an advocate for his people even from the hospital bed. He has taught and conveyed to the communities to be responsible for the well-being of all people. He is a spokesperson for our nation and the Ambassador to other nations. Chief Brown 's hospital bills are rising and he is being transferred to facilities geographically far away from his family. This in turn causes much difficult with Family and tribal support to him. 
We are also looking for other options to help promote his healing through research studies to possibly help him to regain his mobility; however, the struggle is real and has been very disappointing to say the least.
We need your help today! We are asking you to come together and help Chief Brown through this Go Fund Me page in honor, similar to what he has done for others in the past. Sharing this link with others helps just as much as donating. Your consideration in donating to this cause is greatly appreciated!

Thank you


  • Eddie Hunter
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Denise Mcauly
Hope Mills, NC

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