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Relief for Chris T.

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Chris has been diagnosed with trigeminal neuroglia. Now I know what you are all about to do, search Google.  Trigeminal neuroglia is a chronic pain condition affecting the trigeminal nerve in the face. It is deemed “the most excruciating pain known to mankind.” It is a rare disease that affects about 12 per 100,000 people a year. There is no known cure, most physicians don’t know what to do for their patients, and for most, relief is hard to come by.

 Yup. Chris has lost 20 pounds about the past month because something as simple as chewing can trigger pain. He goes days without eating anything solid. Other simple things like brushing his teeth can cause extreme pain. Some people have described the pain as “a hot rod being stabbed in your eye while your face is being burnt off with chemicals.”

 We started a GoFundMe in hopes that he can afford some type of relief. Chris is an ironworker so he has not been able to work for obvious safety concerns. He has got copays, medications, and acupuncture to try and relieve some of this. He also has 2 of the best kids in the world, Travis (8) and Julieanna (6) to support. Him and his fiancé Julie, are set to marry come November. Nobody should ever have to suffer like this every day. Especially with 2 of the worlds best kids, especially in such a time of marital bliss.

We appreciate anything. If you cannot give, at least take a minute to read up on this aweful disease. 

Thanks guys..much love!


  • Matt Breheny
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Leigh T.
Weymouth, MA
Michele Loftus-Trzcinski

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