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Rebuilding Flat River Community Players Costumes

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Flat River Community Players warehouse was lost in a fire last night, December 2nd 2019. The warehouse contained all the costumes and props from close to 45 years of productions. The Flat River Community Players have performed hundreds of plays for the Greenville Community. 

Looking ahead; FRCP needs to rebuild their costume and prop collection, in order to continue to put on shows for the community.
FRCP is collecting donations of props and costumes at The Topper Shop located at 1471 S. Greenville Rd, Greenville, MI 48838. 
Monetary donations will be used to replenish costumes and props for future productions. 

The Flat River Community Players is a non-profit organization with
the purpose of the production of quality live theatre for the creative enlightenment of local communities and cities, which are for educational and/or for the public welfare.
The vision is to enrich the community by celebrating the human experience through artistic expression and dramatic presentation.

We appreciate any and all donations!

Thanks again, 

Kent Schuster - President of FRCP
Tammy Hollinshead- Treasurer of FRCP


  • Colleen McKnight
    • $100
    • 5 yrs

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Greenville, MI

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt