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Ray's Medical Expenses

Donación protegida
You never expect it.  But it has happened, Ray has been diagnosed with cancer.  It is devastating.  Don't know all the details yet, but bottom line - its cancer.  As we learn more we will post.

Ray and Julie will have enormous expenses that will only be partially covered.  Ray is self employed, so no income.
We all want to help, beyond sending hugs, prayers, and support. This is one small way to do something. You are not obligated, and even a couple of dollars will be enormously appreciated.  

As all of your know Ray is a wonderful, happy person and we all want him to get better.  This is a way to ease his burden.

Thanks - Ray's family


  • Scott Morris
    • $25
    • 7 yrs


Franceen Trusel
Rathdrum, ID

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