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Help Renata Get Back To Dancing

Spende geschützt
Our friend Renata needs our help!

For those of you who know Renata, you know that she is an extraordinary human being.  She is cheerful, loving, unbelievably strong and always looks on the bright side.  Something you may not know about her is that she has spent her entire career helping special needs children through her jobs as a pre-school teacher and yoga therapist.

Outside of work, dance is her passion.  Her love of dance is still shining through and she is hoping to get back to it soon. 

It has been a devastating blow to discover she has Stage IV Lung Cancer. 

She is currently weighing her options for treatment but, meanwhile, she has been unable to work and is feeling pressured with financial stress. 

The purpose of this campaign is to ease some of the burden for her.  As she navigates this new world of doctors and treatment choices, she will need financial support to cover her living expenses and any medical bills not covered by insurance.

If you could support Renata's GoFundMe by making a donation and then sharing it with your network, it would be greatly appreciated.  

A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you!


  • Anonym
    • $40
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Vicki Cooley
Sarasota, FL
Renata Cajado Munhoz

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