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Funding for ESight Glasses for Mat

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Since my last post a lot of things have changed for Mat. We moved to Florida, so that he could take part in the clinical trial at Bascom Palmer and his vision improved from 20/1600 to 20/700. That means that he can now see colors, shapes patterns at a very close distance. He has worked with an occupational therapist and has taken classes at the Lighthouse of Pinellas school in order to re-learn how to use a computer without sight.

Our lives changed yesterday when we were able to try our Esight glasses, which we for people with low vision. One year ago Mat didn't qualify to try them, because his vision was so bad, but thanks to Dr. John Guy and Phillip Gonzalez Mat was able to have a demonstration.

At his demonstration the Esight glasses helped return his vision to 20/40. I recorded most of the session, while tears fell from my eyes. He saw Carter for the first time, me at 30lbs lighter then he saw me last, and read a book. He has been working so hard on trying to read Charlotte a book again and with these glasses he'll be able to.

The Esight glasses will help return Mat's life to A new normal where he'll be able to read to Charlotte, see his son, and see the blue sky. He'll be able to re-experience all of the things that we take for granted.

The Esight team will be working on fundraising a portion, but we will need to come up with some money of our own. Once we have come up with some of the money they will begin creating a pair specifically for Mat's needs. We humbly ask for our communities support through prayer or donation. We can't thank you all enough for all the support you have offered us to this point. We are truly humbled, grateful, and thank God for the opportunities that we have been given.

All our love,

The Prays


  • Tristan and Ineke Dyer
    • $50
    • 8 yrs


Jennifer Gray
Searsport, ME

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