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Jacobs Battle To Beat Cancer

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Hi everyone, my name is Steven and I’m writing on behalf of my youngest brother Jacob, who is a 17 yr old senior at Lindenhurst High School. Jacob needs your help and support to fight the toughest battle of his life and beat cancer. I’d like to tell you Jacobs’s story. Even from a young age Jacob has fought through tough injuries and medical issues. When Jacob was 3 years old, while playing on a playground he fell off and broke his back. By the time he turned 8 he needed to have spinal surgery to prevent paralysis. Jacob was a very active kid and his injury prevented him from playing the sports that he loved. Even though he couldn’t do some of the things and activities that he really wanted to, he always had a smile on his face and never let his injuries get him down or keep him from being happy and having fun. Jacob became very interested in cars, engines, and mechanics. Like his dad technology and learning how machines work became his hobby and passion. Just recently we found out that Jacob is facing another battle, this time a battle with cancer. We were all shocked when the doctors informed us that Jacob has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is a part of your immune system. To add to our disbelief we learned after some tests that the cancer is stage 4 and is spread all throughout his body.

We come from a proud middle class family and asking for help, especially financially is not something that comes easily. One thing that I really took away from my time in the Marine Corps is the idea of family and brotherhood that we all share amongst ourselves and other service members. We are there for one another and take care of each other when we are in need no matter what. The entire family is doing everything we can and working hard to make ends meet but we are still struggling. My father is working two jobs right now. He works as a mechanic at night and when he gets home in the morning he goes straight to the other one. It is tough physical work that is wearing on him a lot due to his medical issues with two hip replacements. The financial burden of all the medical costs and bills keep us at work all the time. It’s hard on us because we would like to be there for Jacob through his treatments along with driving him to all his appointments to give him support and keep his spirits up. That job has fallen on my mother who is disabled with a bad back as well. Even with everything going on it is still very hard for them to ask for help so I am doing it on their behalf and setting up this account. We are forever grateful for all of you that are helping us through this hard time in our lives. With all of your support and prayers you make it easier to keep our spirits lifted and our hearts warmed with smiles on our faces, especially Jacob who has been incredibly positive and strong so far. Thank you! We will keep everyone updated on Jacobs’s recovery.


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    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Steve Liers
Lindenhurst, NY

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