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Let's Help Kim Beat Breast Cancer!

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If you ever want a donation for something you can always count on Kim. Kim is one of the most generous people in the world and now she needs our help!

Kim has recently received the devastating news that she has breast cancer ☹. Kim has a 9 month old baby girl and a 2 year old boy and is meant to be enjoying her current maternity leave from work. She has just had her second surgery to remove the cancerous lump and cells and she is about to start a year of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, followed by years of hormone therapy. She is currently awaiting the results to see if she also must have a masectomy.

As you can imagine, the medical bills are already piling up and looking after two small children while trying to beat this will be no mean feat! Peter, her supportive husband has to work as much as he can so they can continue to have some sort of income, but Kim also needs his help at home. Any time off he takes to take her to  the hospital and look after the kids when she is unable to is unpaid.

If we could all pull together to help the Morton family with any donation at all, large or small, to ease their financial stress it would be so helpful and kind!

Click on donate now and the funds will be sent directly to her bank account or you can donate directly to her bank account yourself below, without any gofundme fees to be subtracted.

Kim Morton
Commonwealth Bank Australia
BSB - 062 258
Account - 1010 1441

Thanks so much for your support! Xox 



  • Brad Marsh
    • $40
    • 4 yrs

Organizador e beneficiário

Emma Kay Davey
Kim Morton

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