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Payoff Lunch Balances for Students!

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UPDATE!  They have cancelled the event!  Great news!  However, I am hearing about more and more schools that are facing the same issues.   Please help us help other families by donating!  Also, help get the money to the schools so they don't have to pull funding from other areas!  If you have a specific school that you would like the funds to be issued to, please specify, otherwhise they will be disbursed evenly! 
I was just informed that the school my children attend will be hosting a "Cafeteria- Zero Balance Event".  Basically in just two days they will have a day filled with fun activities that will prohibit children who have a balance to attend.  I don't think our children should have to suffer for the consequences of parents.  With this being said, I understand that the school is in need of the money, I just STRONGLY disagree that this is the way to make it happen!  The balance is approximately 1300.  I would like you to consider donating just $1.00 to erase this debt so that Friday December 1st, no child feels like they did something wrong.  Circumstances arise all the time that put hardships on families and you never know what that child is already going without.  PLEASE HELP ME ELIMINATE Zero Balance Day!  I believe the parents should be given a mandatory conference which may be "Inconvenient for the ones who just keep stalling" but they could also have someone there to help them enroll in free or reduced lunch programs.  Either way, they will get tired of the MANDATORY meetings.  Just a suggestion.  Please Please Lets Start their Christmas off right.  ALL TOGETHER.  ALL PLAYING.  

I will post the exact balance due when I verify tomorrow and will post a copy of the PROCEEDS that will be directly sent to the school!

Happy Holidays
Noel Estes


  • Jean Turner
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Noel Estes
Slidell, LA

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