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The Shanahan Family Fund

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On September 15th, Patrick Shanahan suffered a massive stroke on the left side of his brain due to a blood clot. After a life-saving surgery, Patrick is currently recovering at Northwestern Memorial and will be moving into the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab for an extended period of time for some serious physical, occupational, and speech therapy. The stroke has caused a loss of speech and has impaired the right side of his body. He is already working hard and some progress is being made, but only time will tell to what extent he can or will regain those functions back.

So, so many friends have reached out to the family with offers of help and support during this difficult time. Asking what they can do, what the family needs, and how they can help. First and foremost, the family needs PRAYERS! Prayers for healing, prayers for strength, prayers for comfort, and prayers for patience. We truly believe that the prayers we have already received, have gotten Patrick through a critical week and on his way to recovery. Second, Patrick is the chief bread winner for the family, and his inability to work will most definitely be a financial hardship that the family will have to endure. So if you can, please consider donating to this fund to help alleviate this burden.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the prayers, meals, and support many have already extended to the family. It is truly a testament to how much love and admiration there is for this amazing Shanhan family.

While Patrick, Liz, Maya and Liam have a long, long road ahead of them, with an uncertain future, the family's faith, along with Patrick's will and determination, will see them through this journey...no matter where it takes them.


  • Anonym
    • $1,000
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Meg Espino Bloodworth
Chicago, IL
Elizabeth Shanahan

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