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Let's save Otilia!

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79 year-old Otilia Valle, my house cleaner's mom, has skin cancer on her face. She doesn't have health insurance and couldn't afford treatment here in the Bay Area so she didn't see a doctor until it got really bad. She is now back in El Salvador, her native country, where healthcare is more afordable, waiting to have surgery at the Military Hospital  Fuerza Armada De El Salvador Fondo De Actividades Especiales.

Her daugthers Santos and Emerita have been cleaning houses including mine and Michal's for the past 15 years, working relentlessly and quietly to provide for their families. They are struggling to come up with the money to pay for Otilia's surgery so I am turning to you, my community, to join me in helping them.

Santos and Emerita are almost part of the family and, as a single dad, they have been an invaluable help to me over the years. They are some of the most unassuming, kind, hard-working, honnest and loyal people I know. They would never dare asking for anything so I decided to take the lead on trying to round up the money for their mom to get the treatment she needs to save her life.

After waiting for months, she is now in line to receive surgery in the coming weeks, assuming we can come up with the money to pay for her treatment. The surgery and treatment will cost about $10,000.

There's no small donation, any amount you can contribute will greatly help. Let's show them that we know how to take care of each other as a community. Thank you in advance for your help. Let's save Otilia!


  • Anthony Branda
    • $20
    • 7 yrs


Guillaume Cohen
Palo Alto, CA

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