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Staten Island & NYC Soap Box 2018

Donativo protegido
During the 2017/18 school year disadvantaged youth and children with disabilities from all over the city are learning STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum, as well as building and racing soap box cars to win a chance to compete in the "National and International" All American Soap Box Derby in Akron Ohio. Four PS 57 R  students are competing in the Schools STEM Gravity Challenge in May in Akron. SI school students and NYC youth from SI schools, parks centers and non profits will race on June 10 at Petridies Complex SI to win a chance to compete during "Champs" week in Akron in July. We are in desperate need of funds to pay racing fees, purchase supplies to become self sufficient and sponsor our winning teams to get to Akron! Please donate what you can and pass it on!
Last years Staten Island and NYC races video:
Tax deductible donations will go to Eibs Pond Park Education Restoration Program Inc 501c3.


  • PS 57 YMCA afterschool and summer camp
    • $200 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 6 yrs
  • Mrs Gregorio
    • $100 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 6 yrs
  • Bini Fund
    • $2,000 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $6,850 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 6 yrs
  • South Shore YMCA
    • $50 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 6 yrs


Patricia Lockhart
Staten Island, NY

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