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Noel Keane's Comeback!

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On November 8, 2017 Noel Edesomel Keane was involved in a horrific accident that almost killed him.  He sustained massive dammage to his leg from a guardrail that nearly impaled him.  He was trapped in the car for over two hours and fought for his life the entire time.  When he arrive at the hospital, we werent sure if he would survive yet he pulled through.  Then we weren't sure if he would lose his leg.  Now he has been stabilized but has to be transported to the nearest hospital that can treat orthopedic trauma.  We arranged for an air ambulance from Singapore to air lift him from Palau to Taipei's Shin Kong hospital where he will recieve the best care available.  This service is very costly and we have set up this site to help his family with expenses.  Those who know Dermot, Kaud, Kisha, Dilaureng Brenden and Noel know what an amazing, talented and wonderful family they are and we hope you can find it in your hearts to help them in this trying time.

Ke Kmal Mesaul


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

KB Sakuma
Palau, PW
Jeffrey Barabe

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