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Homeless and Devestated

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On January 22, 2018 our family was evicted from our home and forced to move into a tent at a local campground. Along with our two teenage sons we safely persevered through the most extreme weather Georgia has to offer all the while adhering to the Army Corp’s policies which require that after fourteen days we relocate to another campground. This put an enormous amount physical stress on all of kus.
Once we started asking for assistance we were denied by multiple agencies. We were denied food stamp SNAP benefits due to Scott's unemployment benefits putting use just barely over the income limits. Once I was able to appeal that decision and update our application I have been given the runaround and to date we are still not receiving SNAP benefits.
I contacted the Homeless Veteran hotline on two occasions just to be told that all funding had been used and the VA was unable to help. We also put our application in for the HUD voucher program which is all also now out of funding.
We then became so hopeless and with no where else to turn we started contacting our public officials for guidance. We were contacted by the VA however there is not funding available in Hall County. The two family shelters that are close by also would not work due to transportation issues. We lost our vehicle back in July. Also, our children’s extracurricular and academic activities would not have coincided with the shelters scheduling requirements. One last limitation disquaalifying our family from staying at a shelter is that I am unable to work and have a pending SSI hearing.
We have been working with the Department of Labor's VA supervisor who has been fantastic. We have also had a distance from a few local churches who have delivered good and supplies several times a week.a
At this time we are extremely frustrated by the lack of support for a family of two disabled combat veterans who are desperately trying to keep our family in tact. Sadly if we divorced we would move to the front of the line and would at a minimum food stamp benefits.
We simply are trying to find someone to assist us in getting back into a permanent concrete structure. Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Scott and Jenny Magaw


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Jenny Smith-Magaw
Flowery Branch, GA

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