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Jimmy Dillon Medical Expenses Fund

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Last week Jimmy was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).  He is currently enduring a very intense course of Chemotherapy at Methodist Hospital in Houston.   Jimmy has gone through many life/death events over the past 15 years including 3 months in a coma, multiple organ failures, a kidney transplant and being told to make funeral arrangements on two separate occasions to name only a few.  Through it all Jimmy and Renee have remained strong, as positive as anyone could possibly imagine, and an inspiration to anyone that believes in love, marriage and faith.   If the illnesses were not enough, the inefficiencies in the "system" have created the need for Renee to spend countless hours coordinating insurance companies, hospitals and doctors to make sure Jimmy gets the best care possible.  While this latest diagnosis is a setback they are attacking it together and remain confident in a complete recovery.  With luck Jimmy will finish the first of six rounds of Chemo in time for Christmas.  The funds raised will be used to relieve the stresses associated with the inevitable need to pay medical expenses and the costs associated with being away from home for long periods of time.

Please know that all donations regardless of amount are deeply appreciated.”


  • Scott Taylor
    • $100
    • 7 yrs
  • Timothy Cagle
    • $1,000 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Timothy Cagle
Katy, TX

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