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New Home for Johnny and Louise

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I am Tammy Wilson daughter of Johnny and Louise Poindexter from Bolivia NC.  During Hurricane Florence a tree fell on the home of Johnny and Louise Poindexter that they have lived in their entire adult lives.  After the tree fell water damage occurred which makes the home unsafe and unlivable for them.  As a family we are trying to purchase a single wide mobile home to replace the one they had.  Anyone who knows Johnny and Louise understands they would never ask for help from anyone yet they are always willing to give.  I remember growing up with cousins living with us to it being an open invitation for dinner for anyone who needed a meal.  Anything would help.  Our expenses would be to purchase the home, have it moved, new septic and permits.


  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Tammy Poindexter Wilson
Shallotte, NC
Louise Poindexter

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