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In loving memory of Cheng Saeteurn

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There is nothing harder than losing a loved one. On February 20, 2015, we lost a beloved family member. The incident happened at Cafe Monaco where he was shot and left for dead. This tragic event has left our whole family devastated. He left behind his wife, 3 year old son, and 1 month old daughter. We would like to please ask for any sort of donation to help our family with funeral costs. Our family wants to thank everyone who has and will donate. We greatly appreciate all the help and prayers we can get as we all get together and mourn over our loss. We love you and miss you dearly Cheng, may you rest your beautiful soul in paradise. ❤️


  • Kathy Gandt
    • $35
    • 9 yrs


Cynthia Saeteurn
Sacramento, CA

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