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Recovery Funds for MSgt. Encinias

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Dear Family & Friends,

My name is Joshua Encinias and my father, Master Sergeant Steven Encinias, retired E8 from the Army Reserves, needs your help. On Monday, November 28th he will undergo a cervical fusion to prevent paralysis from the neck down. It's important that dad be allowed to heal his body and spirit without the additional burden of financial need because both of my parents are retired and live on a fixed income.

I am giving thanks to my dad for decades of service to the United States Army as a Master Sergeant, as a civil service member for the Navy and  his youth ministry at East Hill Baptist Church. #GoBeyondGiving

My parents will use your donations for:

1. Current and future medical expenses
2. Home maintenance and cleaning
3. Travel expenses for medical care


Ten weeks ago MSgt. Encinias had a neck fusion to correct nerve damage in his neck. He was losing sensation and use of his hands and legs. But after that procedure his symptoms only got worse and he is at risk of permanent paralysis from the neck down.

My dad was a working man his entire life: he was an electrician, wiring hundreds of homes in the memorable "tree tunnel" stretch of 12th ave in Pensacola, FL. He was a warehouse worker and purchasing agent at the Naval Air Station. In the Army Reserves he was an E8 who was affectionately called "Chef Master Sergeant Encinias" by his kitchen staff. And in the 1990s he lead a thriving youth ministry at East Hill Baptist Church.

Needless to say, my dad's worked his body to the bone and needs this emergency cervical fusion on November 28th to prevent permanent paralysis. 

My mom has the weight of their household on her shoulders and I know it is more than she can handle. If my dad slips out of his chair my mom has to call the fire department to lift him off the ground. His medical situation is urgent. If my mom could go into 2017 with emergency funds for future medical expenses she could go into the Christmas season with one less worry - and we can have her home looking immaculate with repairs and a deep cleaning.

If you've met either of my parents, you know their door is open to anyone and everyone to hang their hat and have a meal. No one is ever turned away: they've shown grace to the worn out and tired, and I'm asking you to help them in their time of need. Everything you give goes to my parents. 

Anything you can give to Master Sergeant Encinias's emergency medical fund will be a blessing. My brother Christopher and I will be eternally grateful for your generosity and care.

I need to raise the funds by December 16th to help my parents budget for the new year.

Everyone who donates will receive a personalized thank you.

Help spread the word and God bless!



  • Mary Carroll French
    • $50
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Josh Encinias
Pensacola, FL
Steven Encinias

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