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Melinda Ryan-funeral

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As many of you now know my sister Melinda Ryan passed away Tuesday night.
No words can express my sorrow.
She was 47 years old. 12 years younger than me. 
As you may know she had a heart attack a couple weeks ago.
Tuesday night she had another.
She was with family members in BC on holidays.
The area they were staying in was quite beautiful and she died in the cottage surrounded by family. 
Her passing was quite sudden without warning.

Many of you have been sharing tributes, pictures and stories of your favorite memories with Melinda. She will be remembered for her music, leadership, mentoring, humor, kindness,  love, loyalty, friendship, but most of all her faith. Be assured that your wonderful words and support mean a lot to my family and me.

We are starting to make arrangements to bring her home to Newfoundland. and as you can appreciate there will be great cost for the immediate family. Most of the family will have to travel from BC to NL. There will also be the cost of traveling to close Melinda's residence in the USA.

We are unsure as to the total cost, but monetary donations of any amount would be greatfully accepted at this time.  Any extra monies that may be collected will be given in Melinda's memory.

For those of you who live outside Newfoundland and cannot attend the funeral of my sister Melinda Ryan please send all cards to my mom at the below address:

Mrs. Betty Ryan
281 Smallwood Street
Fort McMurray, AB
T9K 2N3


  • Parkersburg, WV Corps
    • $75
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Diane Ryan
St. John's, NL
Melissa Haas

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt