Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Mejia Family Fire Recovery Fund

Spende geschützt
The Mejia family (Ariel, Lizett and baby Mateo) are in dire need of everyone's help and solidarity. We all know and love them for the great humans that they are and the beautiful family they have formed. Ariel (the father) is a recent Army Veteran who is barely getting reintroduced to civilian life. Lizett is finishing her schooling and working part-time.
They were out together as a family and received an unfortunate call letting them know there was an explosion near their apartment and that all of their belongings were destroyed. Thankfully, none of the family is hurt but emotionally they can use every ounce of support possible. They have lost everything.

They will be needing help with a place to stay, clothes, and eventually will need all new furniture and household items. 

The timing is especially difficult with Christmas only 2 weeks away.  I pray that we all come together and let the Holy Spirit inspire us to reach into our hearts and our pockets to support this young family. Anything helps! Even if you are not in a position to donate, spread the word, share the post. 

May God bless you and the Mejia family in this difficult time.


  • Anonym
    • $5
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jonathan Uribe Cuervo
Garden Grove, CA
Lizett Mejia

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