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Help for Vicki

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Please lift my sister Vicki up in prayer and let's help her get back on her feet and start over.  Her trailer house burned early this morning (February 12) and she lost everything including all of her pets.  She's in the hospital in Wichita, KS with burns on her arms & legs and singed hair from going back in to rescue 3 dogs and 2 cats.    Today is her 96th day of sobriety and it's going to be a tough road ahead!

She's such a good person and has worked so hard to rebuild her life.  

She is left with the  clothes on her back, her faith in the Lord and hope.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  
Jeremiah 29:11
I know He has a plan to use her for good!  She is one strong cookie!


  • Tonnya Hetzel Lewis
    • $50
    • 10 yrs


Patricia Bogart Christiansen
Wichita, KS

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