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January 30,2015
Update: Incredible gratitude to all our friends and family who have supported, prayed, shared, and selflessly donated to MattsLifeMatters.

We would like to share an update and our plan to carry on a legacy for Matthew.

Matt was killed head-on by a wrong way drunk driver at the age of 19. He was an aspiring musician with an incredible talent for making and producing music.

Unable to continue his own legacy, we are committed to carrying on his passion by creating a memorial music scholarship fund in Matthews name. Our goal is to help other aspiring musicians attain their dreams in the music industry.

Your donations to this fund will help us make this scholarship a reality as well as support our family with out of pocket expenses for a respectful burial. 

Thank you again for your continued love and support.

January 10, 2015
I'm writing as a mother, I'm asking as a sister, as a grieving Aunt and for all those who read, may you find solace in my words and see the urgency  to reach out.

Our family was hit the morning of Jan 10, 2015 with the worst tragedy, every mothers worst nightmare,the loss of Matthew Azar.  
 MATTHEW was so young, so gifted, so loving and full of life. He gave the best hugs, always had a smile on his face and had an incredible dream for his future.
His love and passion for music was incredible, shared by all his peers, coveted by professionals and enjoyed by all. It was his dream to study and share  music with the world. I'd like to keep that dream alive.
He made a positive impact for many young kids, and inspired his friends attitudes daily.  

A drunk driver carelessly, selfishly and violently, took 3 young lives that night. The driver is now incarcerated .   Our family can't even express enough words.  We are devastated, void, angry, sad, heartbroken and full of grief and sorrow. 
I am encouraging your compassion for this cause. 

I've never asked for anything like this, it's not for me, it's to help my family, but as the marrow of my family I will.

This picture symbolically opens the eyes of those who don't know Matthew, he is reaching for Heaven.  

Thank you.

May Matthew rest in peace, always watch over his Mother, hold her hand in her dreams, and continue to enrich the heavens with his music.
I love you, Sweetie.


  • Karol Norie
    • $25
    • 10 yrs


Matt Azar
Granite Bay, CA

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