Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Mary's Support Fund

Spende geschützt

Anyone that knows Mary Jacobs also knows that she is one of the most compassionate and giving people. With that being said, it is time for Mary to start receiving the same compassion and thoughtfulness she exudes during this difficult period in her life.


Mary’s father passed away when she was 16 years old from pancreatic cancer. When she turned 19, her mother was diagnosed with stage four cancer that has now metastasized throughout her body. As a full time student that goes home on the weekends to take  care of her mother, Mary has been trying to hold the family afloat financially, but the medical bills have become too burdensome for her to carry alone. Any donation is greatly appreciated and will go towards medical and living expenses for Mary and her Mother. Thank you!


  • Thailene Gavin
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Bailey Arthur
San Luis Obispo, CA
Mary Jacobs

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