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Mark's Recovery Fund

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On Wednesday, August 15, 2018, Mark suffered a near fatal gunshot wound to his leg, as a result of an accidental weapon discharge. The bullet ricocheted off the ground and severed a major artery, as well as shattering the bone in his leg, causing severe blood loss. A nearby neighbor who witnessed the incident, immediately alerted Mark’s beloved wife Tammy, and a neighbor whose quick thinking and knowledge of tourniquets ultimately saved his life.

Tammy immediately called 911, tending to her injured husband as they waited for emergency services to arrive from a neighboring town. Unfortunately, due to their remote location, EMS was unable to locate them. Tammy instead called the Whetstone Fire Department, who arrived promptly and assessed the situation just as the local sheriff showed up. The sheriff, concerned by the amount of blood loss, then immediately radioed for a medevac helicopter to rush Mark to the major trauma center in Tucson, AZ.

Thanks to Tammy’s quick thinking, and the diligent work of the emergency room surgeons, Mark survived his ordeal; his road to recovery however, will be long and tumultuous, and he still faces the risk of losing his leg as a result of the injury. This will unfortunately put Mark, a contractor and general handyman, out of work for the foreseeable future, leaving his wife Tammy, a receptionist for a veterinary clinic, as the sole provider for the couple and their 7-year-old son Caden.

The circumstances of this accident are unfortunate and costly; So those of us who love Tammy, Mark, and Caden, have set up this GoFundMe in hopes of raising money that may ease the stress and financial hardship. The money we raise will go towards bills and expenses for the family, as well as to help support them financially as Mark recovers. We know that not everyone who sees this will be able to donate, but sharing our fundraiser and helping get the word out is just as good!

Thank you for taking the time to read this page, please feel free to share!


  • Tommy Teel
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Spendenteam: Mark & Tammy's Support Team! (2)

Trisha K
Huachuca City, AZ
Tammy Marble
Team member

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