Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Mark Bruns Family Fund

Spende geschützt
So many people have asked how they can help.  Thank you!  Just thinking of us and making the offer means the world to my family.  
My dad had a stroke on December 17.  He spent several days in ICU, and has since moved to the Ortho/Neuro floor.  He has been struggling with pneumonia, atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathy, decreased cardiac function, and left sided weakness from the stroke.  He had a detatched retina in 2004 which left his vision primarily only on the left side, which is now almost gone.  My mom has been basically living at the hospital 24/7, with help from our amazing friends and family caring for my youngest brother, Eli.  We celebrated Eli's 13th birthday and Christmas in the hospital this year.  
At this point, my dad is unable to work.  He is going to enter inpatient rehab, so will be out for quite some time.  It is likely he will have to retire.
I started this campaign to help my parents with hospital bills and living expenses.  Every penny donated will be put to good use to support my parents, and my two siblings who still live at home.  
I cannot tell you how much it means to us, your good thoughts, prayers and all the offers of help with Eli, the dogs, bringing food to the hospital.  We are so thankful for you!


  • Anonym
    • $250
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sarah Bruns Andrews
Indianapolis, IN
Debbie Bruns

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