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Marie's walk to fundraise

No treatment has yet been proven to cure or even slow the progression of Parkinson's. With contributions, no matter how small, we hope to fund more research to find effective treatment for those living with the disease. Parkinson's NSW are striving to find more ways of tracking/slowing progression, deliver exercise programs, provide nurses for home care and offer support groups to enhance life quality.

For those of you that know Marie know of her infectious energy and ability to spur others along. Since the start of COVID Marie stayed active by simply getting up and going on numerous walks to enjoy fresh air, scenery and conversation with whoever she would be walking with.

These consistent outings saw huge benefits in her health both physically and mentally and now she is regularly encouraging others to get up and go for a walk. Along with corrective training exercises from Functional Patterns she can walk longer distances, navigate staircases, steep hills and have even added tough bush walks into her life!

Marie's get up and go attitude has inspired a sunrise 12km walk along the Eastern Suburb coastline, ticking off a walk many people do on a regular basis but can be found more challenging for some. Our goal is to encourage others to get up and go for a daily walk, and if we can raise some money to fund further research into Parkinson's Disease then even better!

We appreciate your support and any contribution you can make!


  • Carol & Colin Keeble
    • $100
    • 2 yrs
  • Helen Hunter
    • $20
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $200
    • 2 yrs
  • Gordana Stefulj
    • $20
    • 2 yrs
  • Florence Everard
    • $100
    • 2 yrs


Helen Rawlings
Coogee, NSW

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