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Lyrics and melody

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Hi, I don't really know where to start. I have been secretly writing lyrics now for many many years and they have been sitting in a box for a very long time. Every one of them I have written are from my personal life experiences and have been written at different stages of my life, and from the bottom of my heart. Recently my 18 year old son and his friend got a hold of them and read them. They were both absolutely surprised by the fact that I could write such meaningful llyrics (to my amusement, I honestly thought they were stirring me and laughing at me)
It took the boys a little while to convince me that they were serious and really did love what I had written. My son almost begged me to set up this page. He has convinced me that my lyrics have the ability to reach out to people who may be feeling the same way I was at the time of  writing them. My son had a thought. Mum, why don't you set up a go fund me page in order to raise enough money to be able to get professional musicians and singers to come up with melodies for your lyrics. Why I asked?. because mum you can send them off to different people you know in the music industry and they might like what they hear and record some. If any of them are good enough and you get your feelings across to touch and help others through your lyrics then you have done a great thing!! He made sense my boy!!! I have just never really had the confidence to do so. ....so he has finally convinced me to organise a go fund  me page to raise money to do this. Finding recording artists, musicians and singers is not cheap and I don't really have all the money to do it myself. I do have a couple interested in doing something with my lyrics in Nashville .My son, bless his heart also said to me, mum, if it all goes well and you do make money from this than you can give some of what you make to charities that are important to you. Mine are mental health awareness and lupus as I suffer from both depression and lupus and know many others who do. When he suggested this to me, I thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that it would be a wonderful thing to do. So he convinced me and here I am exposing myself, wearing my heart on my sleeve with a lot of faith and encouragement from the one person who is everything to me.. My boy!!!

Above is my inspiration Nikita Christos Chronis, my boy!!!


  • Anthony Samson
    • $40
    • 7 yrs


Chris-tine Mav Chronis
Melbourne, VIC

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