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Brookie's fight for mini van .

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My name is Brookie and I have Rett Syndrome. It is a terrible condition that primarily affects girls and is awful. It has robbed me of my ability to use my hands, walk, and to speak.
The toll my condition has had on my family is tremendous. My mom,Brenda had to become full time caregiver, giving up contact with the outside world except for Dr appointments when I am able to leave house on days I am not having seizures, also a product of my condition.
I am now 7.5 and have grown to 72 pounds . My daddy has difficulty lifting me to and from chair, while mommy can't do it alone.
As a wheelchair bound kid I currently have to be physically lifted into a large car seat. My mommy has a hard time with that and as a result
we are stuck on our house .
A lift for our van would enable me and my mommy to get out more and
provide us both with a break from our house to the outside world.
My daddy works hard, but his single income isn't enough to cover this cost and we have had no help from the State of Michigan where we reside.
Please open your heart and help our cause.
To learn more about Rett Syndrome go to
Or rett
Thank you,
The Mezzo Family


  • Sylvia Passmore
    • $20
    • 7 yrs


Steve Mezzo
Saint Clair, MI

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