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Ramiro Ramirez Medical/Expense Fund

Spende geschützt
Ram Ramirez, has been diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia/PNH, a very rare and serious disease (blood cancer). His bone marrow is failing to make enough blood cells caused by another rare disease called Eosinophilic Fasciitis diagnosed in November of 2014.
He is now at MD Anderson in Houston, and will be there a week. He has started an aggressive approach of chemotherapy which can alter or suppress the immune system. After that he will have another bone marrow biopsy. He will most likely need a stem cell transplant, which means he will remain at MDA for 30 days, then another 60 days in Houston to be near MDA in case of infection.
He is no longer able to work and there are many challenges, medically and financially.
We are asking for any and all help from anyone who can lend a hand. Every little bit counts Thank You


  • margot rios richardson
    • $100
    • 9 yrs


Jessica de Anda
Round Rock, TX

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