Photo principale de la collecte de fonds

Missy's Medical Treatments Fund

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Our dear friend, Melissa (Loveday) Kawczak was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (breast cancer) on February 2, 2015.  She will be undergoing a Lumpectomy the week of February 16 followed by 6 weeks of radiation treatments.  While Missy has insurance, her copays are rather expensive. We would like to raise money for her to take some of the stress from her mind, so she doesnt have to worry about where the money is coming for treatments, prescriptions, other doctor appointments, etc,.  We tried to organize a benefit, but with such short notice and the time of year we decided it was best to go with a "GoFundMe" campaign for now, followed by a celebration this summer after she kicks this diseases ass!! Missy is the kind of person who would do anything for anyone and HAS!! It's now our turn to pay it forward to Missy!! Please help us reach our goal and support Missy through this disease.  Please share and say a prayer!  Thank you all!!
Je contribue


  • Sue Hildreth
    • $50
    • 9 yrs
Je contribue


Sharon Klein
East Berne, NY

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