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Lori Brunelle LGS Friend Needs Help

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Recently our friend and coworker has fallen on some rough times with the medical misfortune of her husband.  As Lori continues to maintain her job duties, she is also full time caretaker of her loved one. With the constant traveling that Lori's job entails, she is now faced with hiring in a full time caretaker.
Lori has made attempts to provide accomodations for the caretaker but is in dire need of electrical, plumbing, and carpentry help.
With that being said, we the LGS/Exelon family are asking for some help, whether it be your time, donations, and/or overall support.
Thank you in advance for your caring and generosity.


  • Mary Yerkes
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kim Batdorf
Pottstown, PA
Lori Brunelle

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