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Loree Manna

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Loree Manna is love…

The three souls on Earth that love Loree the most call her “Granna.”  Loree has spent the last 10 years of her life devoted to helping her daughter and son-in-law raise their 3 children. 

In the fall of 2017, Loree was diagnosed with breast cancer.   To save her life, Loree needed a double mastectomy right away; however, because she didn’t have health insurance, 2 local doctors turned her away.  Finally, prayers were answered when a third doctor agreed to take Loree on as a patient.

Since her surgery, Loree has been fighting for her life.  The same medicine that could cure her cancer has been making her so sick she has been in and out of the hospital for months.

Loree’s husband, Rick has been right at her side.  He has been her Knight in Shining Armor, caring for her every minute of every day.  For the past 18 years, as a loyal employee, Rick has made the 92-mile round trip
from his home in North Port, Florida north to Bradenton.  This same employer, that Rick worked so hard for, told him two weeks ago that Rick would no longer be employed—he’d taken too much time off to care for his very sick wife.

Loree and Rick need our help.  There are mounting medical bills, mortgage payments, utilities, medical supplies and daily living expenses that are needed.  EVERY DOLLAR RAISED will go directly to Rick and Loree to help them continue to focus on what’s important…getting Loree better, without having to worry about having a roof over their heads or food on the table.

Those three little boys want their Granna healthy.  Help us make that happen and thank you for sharing your blessings with Loree and Rick.


  • Katrina Groeger
    • $35
    • 6 yrs


Robin Magac
Sarasota, FL

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