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Lindsey's Not Alone

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My Best Friend Lindsey needs our help. Her apartment complex had a tragic fire on Sunday, December 17th.  As a result, she has lost most of her valuable belongings.  Thankfully her two dogs have survived but were injured trying to escape. Especially Winnie, who needs veternary care. She was informed as of today that her apartment is not salvagable, Lindsey and her two dogs now are forced to find a new place to live.  For those of you who have not had the pleasure of meeting my beautiful friend Lindsey, let me just tell you she has a heart of gold and derserves a Christmas Miracle. Anything you could donate will help. In the spirit of the holiday season please share this will all your friends.
"We rise by lifting others."



  • Rudy Pamintuan
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Paige Froelich
Costa Mesa, CA
Lindsey White

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