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Helping Stella access her World

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Stella is a 3.5 year old girl that was born with a neurological condition called Atypical Congenital Rett's (FOXG1) syndrome.  There are only a 100 know cases like Stella in the world. She can not walk, talk or sit without assistance.

Stella is a happy litte girl most days, except when she is fighting off an illness. She spends a fair time in hospital because a simple cold makes her very sick. Also, she lands in hospital with every seizure as once they start they are difficult to stop.


1-Focal seizures
2-Autonomic dysfunction-which means her brain doesn't regulate body temperature, breathing and heart function properly
3-Gastric reflux
6-Gtube fed
7-Severe low muscle tone
8-Visual impairment
10-Hyperkinetic movements (which mean her body moves when she doesn't want it to).

Stella's family is in need of financial assistance for the following:

1- Wheelchair van
2-Stair lift inside home 
3- Build deck so Stella to access outside yard
4- Electric hospital bed
5- Wheelchair accessible bathroom

Our goal for Stella is  to adapt her environment so she can access her world....

Love to all and thanks for your support xo



  • Ellen and Craig Melvin
    • $100
    • 9 yrs


Stephanie Martel
North Vancouver, BC

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