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The Lenick Family Fund

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Friends, on Monday, September 28th, the world lost someone truly special with the unexpected passing of James Lenick. James was an artist, a father, a husband and a dear friend. He is survived by his wife Noralyn and his children Hayden (10) and Winter (4).

James was a true New Yorker: brash yet sincere, and otherworldly funny. His jokes could stay with you for days, and his humor was matched with a warmth that made even strangers feel like family.

Yet James had a family of his own. His wife, Noralyn, is one of the most empathetic women you'll ever encounter. Hayden is a bright-eyed, energetic boy bravely facing the challenges of autism (with the help of specialized schooling). Winter, like her mother, possesses a deep well of sweetness. She currently carries her father's photo with her everywhere, and gives it kisses that are heartbreaking to witness.

There are no words for what Noralyn, Hayden and Winter are feeling right now, though perhaps a few come close: devastated, shattered, bereft, overwhelmed. James' passing leaves us all shocked and confused, but it also leaves his family in a very fragile financial state. Unfortunately, the demands of bills, mortgages and childcare don't stop for any depth of grief.

Those closest to James are working to sort out the financial difficulties his family is facing, and it has become clear that help is needed. This then, is our impassioned plea --- to anyone capable of offering a measure of grace and generosity. We encourage you to forward this page to anyone who might know James and Noralyn (formerly Noralyn Pease, a Rowe Camp and Conference Center alumni).

Our prayer is that in the midst of so much sadness, James' family may experience also some degree of solace: in the kindness of others, in the support of those around them, and in the knowledge that although James is gone, they are not so terribly alone.

Thank you for any help you can offer.

- Friends of The Lenick Family
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aaron costa
Brooklyn, NY

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