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Healing for Hudson

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To my friends, near and far, please take the time to read about this sweet little boy and his wonderful family. I have witnessed his seizures first hand. I have kept the boys in Children's church. I have gone on a Women's retreat with Kristin. This family is such a sweet, God filled family. Their faith and trust in the Lord during these hard times, is amazing. Sometimes though, times get tough and we must put our pride aside and reach out to others for help. God has laid it on my heart to set up this site, I pray you can help in some way.

Hudson Riley Ditto, the 4 year old son of Sean and Kristin Ditto, was recently diagnosed with Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy, a seizure disorder that greatly affects brain activity. Sean has worked full time up to this point to support his family, while Kristin is a stay at home mother to Hudson(4), Justin(3), and Everett(2). Kristin is also currently pregnant with their fourth son who is due at the end of March. Due to complications with Kristin's pregnancy as well as Hudson's incredibly demanding disorder, Sean has become a stay at home dad to the three boys while Kristin is currently on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. They have no current income other than that which has come from God through continuous and fervent prayer. Please consider their need. Pray and give as God would have you. May God bless you all.


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Brandi Barber
Winnsboro, TX

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