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Miracle for Margie

Spende geschützt
Margie Tramontozzi has been battling stage 3 ovarian cancer for over four years. She Has endured seven different chemo therapies, Three surgeries, and numerous hospitalizations. Unfortunately her condition has worsened and medical bills have sky rocketed. If you know the Tramontozzis at all then you know the amount of love this family has. You know how their laughs and smiles can change your day. They are all pure gold. Margies family is so grateful for all the love and support they have received during this difficult time. They appreciate the kindness, support, and love already given by so many. Please continue to pray for her and whatever you can afford to donate will be more than appreciated.


  • Andrew szeto
    • $25
    • 10 yrs


Ali Norod Pensyl
Newton, NJ

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