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Medical Funds for Tarell & Chum

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I am writing this on behalf of my cousin Alazjah. Her 3 year old son and stepfather were involved in a car crash on Friday, September 28th on highway 4. Her stepfather and son were driving down this 2 lane highway when another vehicle veered into there lane causing a head on collision. His grandfather Chum was severely injured, he broke several bones and went under multiple surgeries. Tarell suffered head injuries and has been on life support since. He was unfortunately declared brain dead and his mother is faced with the very difficult decision to take him off life support. The family is suffering a great deal. His mother, father, grandparents and a host of other family members. The family is asking for help with medical expenses for both Tarell and Chum. Anything Helps. Thank you in advance for your prayers, well wishes & donations. May GOD bless & keep you all. 


  • Melissa Welsh
    • $40
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Tiondra West
Oakland, CA
Shameika Robinson-Coleman

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