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Scarlett's Medical Fund

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I am setting this gofundme account up for my little cousin, Scarlett Stein. She is 17 years old and is fighting for her life at Children's Hospital in the ICU.

She is suffering from massive complications from a heart condition that the doctors are trying to uncover fully and correct. She is the most amazing young person I know. She is an elite athlete and just signed her letter of intent to Penn State to play softball and to continue her academics.

In her very limited free time, she helps the homeless shelter and spends time with family. I can't say enough about how remarkable this young girl is.

Every single child in our family looks up to her.  And every single one of us adults is so proud of her.

She always either has one of the little ones in her lap...

Or is curling the older girls' hair

Or finding some other way to spend time with all the kids.

She also spends a lot of time helping coach her little sister's softball team with her dad.

This is Scarlett with her little sister, Grace. Scarlett is Gracie's idol.

Scarlett's parents are two of the most involved and loving parents you'd ever meet. They are avid christians and are very active in their community. They have exhausted all of their vacation time to stay with Scarlett day and night at the hospital. They drive back and forth to their home for a brief time each day to take care of nine year old Gracie, trying to keep life as normal as possible for her.

Please help us try to offset the expenses of travel, missed work, and the towering medical bills including any continuous care or equipment that Scarlett may need. Any little bit will help!

My family has been living a true nightmare these past several weeks. We have all collectively been praying, but it is time we need to call in the troops and we need more than just family praying for her. We need all of you. So in addition to any monetary donations that you make, please say a prayer for our Scarlett. 

Even though Scarlett is so young, she is very much in the center of our family. She has not only won the hearts of all of her adult family members, but she inspires all of our young ones and shows them that age doesn't stop you from doing amazing and inspiring things. She needs to heal and get well so that she can continue to inspire all of those around her. We are so proud of you, Scarlett and we know how strong and spunky you are. Please get better soon!

My family and I thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!


More pics of Scarlett with her family and friends: 

Faire un don


  • Christine Errett-Galletta
    • $25
    • 8 yrs
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Gabrielle Constantine Blawas
Greensburg, PA
Dody Stein

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