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Kenzan's Battle Fund

Doação protegida
Trevor, Angel, and Kenzan are eagerly anticipating the arrival of a new brother or sister.  About a week ago Angel was placed on bed rest due to pregnancy complications.  In addition to Angel’s pregnancy complications about a month ago Kenzan started to exhibit some very unsettling symptoms, that have led to a devastating diagnosis for this sweet 3 year old.

 Kenzan has not slept in about three weeks.  She has been screaming through the night in pain.  She was into the doctor several times during this time period.  They noticed she was tender to the touch between her shoulder blades and hunching strangely.  An MRI was performed yesterday (9/12) and they found a large tumor growing around her spine.  The tumor stretches from T1 toT5.  Angel and Kenzan were transferred to Salt Lake by life flight that same day.  Trevor was not able to fly with them and had to drive to Salt Lake.  There is not an official diagnosis yet, but the doctors believe it is a neuroblastoma.  Kenzan will be going in for a biopsy today to confirm and stage the cancer.

There are currently so many unknowns for this amazing, and loving family but one thing is certain right now, they need to be showered in love.  Kenzan will for sure need to be in Salt Lake for chemo treatment, and possibly radiation for the next couple months.  Angel will be delivering their second child at anytime.  This family if so far from home, and experiencing some pretty intense life events.  Nobody wants to have to ask for help, Angel and Trevor are no exception, but everyone needs a hand up sometimes.  Anything you can contribute to help would be humbly and graciously appreciated.


  • Janie Houchin
    • $100
    • 5 yrs

Organizador e beneficiário

Shawna Kay Everett
Missoula, MT
Angela Ployhar

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