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Kelso Family Support 2020

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Thank you to all that donated over the past 3 years! We are so Grateful!

Please consider a donation to our new fund for 2020. We are seeking to raise $30,000. 

Katie recently communicated she likes to call Chris “Forever Young!” The picture sure captures that youthful exuberance! It was taken at 11 pm Thanksgiving night. Katie was trying to put Chris to bed at his acute center following a full evening out with the entire family. He was so happy and not wanting to go to bed that the nurses had to keep the TV on for him! Chris has done so well this year. He continues to defy MS odds with his physical resilience and most evident, his never ending spirit of joy and hope that inspires and moves all.

Chris has now struggled with Multiple Sclerosis for 22 years but always, with strong faith has communicated, "MS sucks but God is good." Over the years, although his body has failed, he still remains a whole person - full of love and faith. He greets others with his warm, spontaneous smile and the sparkle in his eye. Although he communicates only with the movement of his eyes, one cannot help but feel his spirit and understand his response. Chris is totally dependent on Katie or a caregiver for all of his needs. Katie has cared for him through each progression of his disease and continual losses with love and grace. Witnessing Katie and Chris share their love and amazing faith even during the most challenging times is an inspiration to many. Many people call on Chris to pray for the needs of their family and friends due to his great faith and trust in God. 

These funds in entirety provide critical living expenses so Katie can continue to support Chris.

We, the entire Kelso and Duensing family, are so grateful for your continued support and invite you to give financially and/or continue to pray for Chris and the Kelso family.

From Emilie Kelso... " Every single day he succeeds by not falling into the all too accessible mentality of being defined by progressing disabilities. Listening to his friends, family, and caretakers’ talk to him, my dad maintains a deeply attentive and caring expression. He can’t talk back or discuss yet still he gives a heartfelt response. His facial structure, which can sometimes appear as immobilized, will flourish into a grin from ear to ear at the release of our silly jokes and at the sound of us laughing at ourselves. This graceful humor is an experience as his daughter that I am honored to have often, and I know many of you who have spent any amount of time with him can attest to it as well! My dad has true gratefulness of those who surround him, as well as trust that he is an inspiration and encouragement to us all."


  • Carrie Bradford
    • $500
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

The Duensing's
Alamo, CA
Kim Stockey Duensing

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