Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Kedine's Surgery Fund

Donación protegida
Kedine is a devoted, single mother who is dedicated to her God, church, and family.  She started feeling ill August 2017 and began to rapidly loose weight.  Initial medical results indicated high cholesterol and she was even diagnosed with depression.  However,  none of the recommended treatment seemed to be working and she continued to loose weight and become weaker. It was not until an MRI was done in January 2018 that it was discovered that she has a tumor in her brain (let this be a lesson to anyone experiencing similar symptoms; ensure they get to the root of the problem).  In medical terms "a lobular hereogeneous mass is seen within the pituitary fossa".  As a result of this tumor, her memory and vision are being impacted and if not surgically removed will be come life threatening.

She urgently needs surgery to remove the tumor, but the cost is prohibitive on this single mother, whose father died when she very young.  We are seeking any and everyones help to assist in raising enough funds for her to be able to complete the surgery.  Even if it's a dollar, kindly support!

Thanks in advance for your prayers and support!


  • Cleona Vassell
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Ronnie Henry
Hollywood, FL

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