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Karen Lynne Martin (Cancer Fund)

Don protégé
Karen Lynne Martin is a native of Milledgeville, GA. She has been a loyal and dedicated employee of Belk for over twenty years. She is 52 years old and has been diagnosed with uterine and ovarian cancer. Physicians suggested that a hysterectomy be done. Shortly after the procedure she found out that the surgery did not go as planned. They were not able to remove all of the parts of the uterus that contained cancer due to scar tissue being attached to her bladder. As of now she is undergoing chemo five days a week and radiation one day a week. This is very costly for an individual who can no longer work and has no disability insurance. Karen currently has no income and is unable to afford the cost of living. The cost of medication for pain and treatment is very expensive and is crucial for her comfort and survival. She is very sick and needs immediate financial help. Please keep Karen in your thoughts and prayers. Karen's cancer has returned and the funds raised have been used for previous treatments and the cost of living. Karen will be undergoing a new type of chemo treatment monthly that is very costly and requires hospitalization. Karen is very ill and needs tremendous help. Any contributions will be greatly appreciated. Keep her in your prayers. If you are not familiar with go fund me there is an account set up at Century bank in Milledgeville GA that money can be deposited in.
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  • Loraine Curtis
    • $50
    • 6 yrs
Faire un don


Dee Dee Curtis
Milledgeville, GA

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