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Amy Stromme's Fund for Recovery

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Hello everyone,

My sister has been the light of my life since the day I entered the world. She is 23 years old now and has already accomplished so much. She has ran multiple half marathons, graduated from University of Puget Sound with an award for the thesis she wrote for her major, International Political Economy, she has taught English in Thailand for the last 8 months and most importantly, she has touched the lives of everyone she has come into contact with. She is, by far, the most loving, heart felt and brilliant person I have ever known and I thank God for her every day.

But now, all you friends and family, I hate to say that this wonderful person is in trouble. Amy fell ill with the HS1 meningoencephalitis virus one month ago while teaching in Thailand. This virus caused severe brain swelling and a feirce fever that had Amy in the ICU in a hospital in Bangkok for about 3 weeks. The very skilled doctors in that hospital saved Amy's life, which was in grave danger. She has fought like a warrior and has finally been able to return home to the states. This is the good news, but unfortunately this virus has done some damage to the brain we all love so much. She is going to need neurological therapy for at least 6 months so that she can return to the outstanding future God has laid out for her. This is where you come in. No one likes to ask for help but when it is for someone you love so dearly, somehow it feels a little easier. Our insurance has so far refused to cover the massive hospital bill and there are many more bills to come with the necessary therapy. That is why we are setting up this page. If you are able, our family would greatly appreciate your donations no matter the size. If you are not able we completely understand but would appreciate your prayers. 

We thank you so much for all your love and support. Our little shining star is going to get back up on her feet.

If you are interested in learning more about Amy and what she was doing in Thailand before she fell ill check out the link to her blog:


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    • $100
    • 8 yrs


Brooke Stromme
Seattle, WA

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