Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Justice for Captain

Donativo protegido
In their own words

To my friends and community, 

I am writing to ask that you take action to support me in seeking justice and freedom as I stand trial in 15 days. With your support, I will travel to Colorado to face trial for an incident that took place in March of 2017, in which Pueblo police officers were called to the scene and used excessive force and brutality to subdue me. I was incarcerated with significant injuries, and when I regained consciousness and requested medical treatment, it was denied. While I can’t talk openly about all that took place that night, I want my community to know that it was one of the most violent, racist, and homophobic experiences I’ve survived. This case is bigger than just me, which is why, with your support, I’m fighting not just to survive, but to thrive.

My court dates are August 26-30, and I am asking for my community to invest in my defense and well-being so that I can come out on the other side of this held, whole, and thriving.

Your donations aid towards my goal of raising $6,000 to:

Support the cost of travel, meals, and lodging for my support team and I to attend the trial in Colorado. Currently, I am attending court on my own, and I need loved ones in the courtroom with me.
Wellness activities, including body work and  therapy, to continue healing my body and mind following the trauma of my arrest.
Seed funding to support my survival and continued wellness after the trial whether I return home or remain in Colorado.

I appreciate you making donations through Paypal or Venmo, as I am unable to speak openly about the trial through crowdfunding sites like Gofundme that prohibit certain types of campaigns.

Other Ways to Help

Share This Message - Take action by forwarding this message to your friends, families, and change agents in social justice communities. Your support matters.

Write a letter or send a video message to support my defense - Letters or videos of support and testament to my character can get years shaved off my sentence if the trial gets as far as sentencing. Your words could help make all the difference. If you’re interested in writing a character letter or recording a brief video on your smartphone to help influence the outcome of the case, please email [email redactado].

Donate In-kind wellness services - Access to acupuncture, therapy sessions, body work, massage, and other healing modalities are deeply appreciated

Donate miles - You can transfer miles on Southwest, Virgin, Alaska, or United and other airlines to help offset the cost of travel for trial or lodging for me and my defense team. 

I’m fighting to thrive so that I can continue to be a voice for the invisible communities I serve--LGBTQ youth, foster youth, landless populations, and incarcerated populations, to name a few. I’m fighting to continue to be a healer and cultivator of wellness in my community, and live out my dreams of entrepreneurship. I appreciate your help to preserve my visibility, integrity, and freedom by giving your support to me in this campaign to defend my future.

In solidarity,


 Garantía de GoFundMe

En esta campaña se menciona hacer donativos a través de otra plataforma, pero recuerda que solo los donativos realizados en GoFundMe están protegidos por la Garantía de GoFundMe.



  • Sade Daniels
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Team Captain (2)

Miz Chris
San Leandro, CA
Aima Paule
Team member

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    Tu donativo está protegido por la Garantía de donativos de GoFundMe