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JHOH Children Home - Kenya Africa!

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Hello My name is Bishop Robin Dinnanauth and I am turning to you with an appeal to help with the ongoing construction of an orphanage in Kenya Africa, where I am currently supplying food, clothing and school supplies for almost 300 needy children in different places

Josiah’s House of Hope for Children – Children Home is a registered trust – an NGO which is involved in providing for the needs of the orphans and abandoned children that are living in the streets of East Africa.

Currently Josiah’s House of Hope is building a new building that will take in more then 50 children and for this project we need financial support.

I know that the economy is not in good state but it is very important that we do not forget about the people in need around us and we help them the best way we can. I believe that anyone is capable of a small donation for a good cause.

Reaching our goal of $50,000 with 6 months left in the project brings us to a crossroad in our journey. Do we call it a success? Or do we continue with movement and build two orphanages, rescue twice the children, and make twice the difference. We said it from the beginning, we are declaring we can make a difference, a big difference. Lets continue to take a stand—build this orphanage and rescue 50 children.

BIG PICTURE: This year, Josiah’s House of Hope is gearing up to do something bigger than we have ever done before—we are choosing to rise up and take action to help end someone's suffering in this world. Human trafficking, poverty, child slavery, hunger, millions of orphans with no one to turn to and more.

The situation is breath-taking but we can make a difference. That's right, we're declaring we can make a difference in these overwhelming problems that seem so hopeless and plague our humanity.

Instead of looking away or ignoring the problems completely, we are choosing to face them head on. By donating to Josiah’s House of Hope, we are imparting hope to 50 suffering children in East Africa. Will you join us in building an orphanage from the ground up.


  • Ariel Somaru
    • $15
    • 8 yrs


Robin Dinnanauth
Woodhaven, NY

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